Vērtīgas definīcijas
IMK pēc būtības ir mārketinga komunikācijas veidu un izplatīšanas kanālu kompleksa izmantošana, tos kombinējot un saskaņojot ar citām mārketinga "mikss" aktivitātēm un tirgus dalībniekiem – Valērijs Praude, Jeļena Šalkovska (2015)
IMK kā process ir mārketinga komunikācijas veidu un izplatīšanas kanālu kompleksa plānošana, organizēšana, vadīšana un kontrole saskaņā ar citām mārketinga "mikss" aktivitātēm un tirgus dalībniekiem - Valērijs Praude, Jeļena Šalkovska (2015)
Integrētā komunikācija, atšķirībā no klasiskās ir selektīva komunikācija, kas orientēta uz klientu saglabāšanu un attiecību vadīšanu, dialogu, informācijas nodošanu, nodrošināšanu un saņemšanu pēc pieprasījuma. Tā ietver arī pašapkalpošanos un saņēmējam pieder iniciatīva
IMC (latv.IMK) is the planning and execution of all types of advertising – like and promotion – like messages selected for a brand, service or company, in order to meet a common set of communication objectives or, more particularly, to support a single “positioning” - Larry Percy (2018)
The key to IMC is planning, and the aim is to deliver a consistent message - Larry Percy (2018)
Public relations is a decision-making management practice tasked with building relationships and interests between organisations and their publics based on the delivery of information through trusted and ethical communication methods – International Public Relations Association (IPRA) https://www.ipra.org/member-services/pr-definition/ - plašāks definīcijas izklāsts un struktūra
Risk is a predictable or unpredictable possibility that could cause negative or positive accidents or crises in any company, with positive or negative consequences in any sector and risk management is divided into two steps (determining the risks and then handling them in the most appropriate way in terms of the company’s investment objectives) - Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (2019)
A crisis is a risk that comes into effect with positive or negative consequences in any area, and it may trigger a domino effect but crisis management is a process that is divided into three phases – pre-crisis, crisis response, and post-crisis - Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (2019)
Risk communication is a two-way process that directs judicially correct information about the risks of any company for all interested parties in both directions. The information is clear, understandable and directed through the closest communication channels - Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (2019)
Crisis communication is a process whereby the company directs information to all interested persons in both directions. The information is clear, understandable, and directed via the closest communication channels - Derkevica-Pilskunga, J. (2019)